Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2 days till lift off!!!

So.... I started packing today and managed to fit quite a bit of stuff, which I am super excited about! I can't believe that I am actually heading to Europe--I never thought it would actually happen so the realization is slowly beginning to set in! I don't know if it would have happened if my mom wouldn't have supported me as much as she has!! So thanks mom,

at least I know you are excited for me! I have no idea what to expect as far as cost of food consumption, traveling to other countries, or even the weather, but I feel prepared mentally, emotionally and physically for anything thrown my way. Right now the flight is my biggest concern! After flying to and from Texas last week and being delayed on more than one occasion, I should prepare myself for a lengthy amount of time in the airport. Also, what does one do while on a plane for 8 hours? That is a very long time! I won't even mention the flight home in May is 9 and a half hours--I will worry about that when that day comes.

Anyways, the time between leaving and now is shortening and I only have a couple more items on the "To Do List" which is very good for me! I will miss all of you very much and will try and stay in contact with everyone as much as I can.

Remember you can always email me at:


And thanks to Grace Community Church in Universal City, Tx for all of your prayers and support!!

These picture are in Ohio and what I will gladly be leaving behind for a semester, even though some are quite beautiful!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh my sweet kyleigh...i am your biggest fan and i would do everything possible to see your dreams come true...you will be in all my thoughts and prayers while you are away...please be safe and smart as you take on this new adventure...i trust that the Lord will watch over you and pray that you will keep Him close to your heart...i love you all the way to italy and back again a thousand times...your crazy mama :o) ps 28:7

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